DID YOU KNOW that the Romanov family had a little farm in Tobolsk, complete with farm animals – including turkeys. I thought this would be an appropriate blog post today.

From a letter of Olga Romanov (From Tobolsk to Ekaterinburg):
“Tobolsk, 15th /28th April, 1918… Today was warmer than yesterday and the windows are wide open… We took the evening tea in the dining room (before the churchʼs installation we took tea in the living room)… Yesterday, we ate the ‘poor’ turkey. Mama, you would have said ‘one should not’, dear little soul…”
From a letter of Marie Romanov (From Ekaterinburg to Tobolsk):
“May 2/15… This morning we heard the church bells. That was the only pleasant and agreeable event. We were happy to learn that Al.P. sold the pigs so well. What is he going to do with the piglets? Mama, speaking about the turkey, said ‘you should not have…'”
From the book Russia’s Last Romanovs: In Their Own Words

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