Born 12 AUGUST, 1904– 111 years ago!
From Alexei’s diary:
25 October, 1916. In the morning I went with Papa to see the new recruits of the 4th Infantry regiment. From there I went to the infirmary, where Mama was. Had breakfast with ours. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon we went to Stavka. They played «Naine Jaune» on the train. Zhylik read to me. Went to bed early.
28 October. Got up at 9 o’cl. …. We arrived in Kiev at 10 o’cl….. Grandmama met us. Rode to the St. Sophia Cathedral. After molebna went to the palace. After breakfast I went to the review of the cadets, performed by the officers. Went to visit the sick Aunt Olga at her infirmary. At 6 o’cl…. returned to the train. Mama wrote.

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