Letter from Anastasia Romanov to Nicholas II:

“29 November, 1915. Tsarskoe Selo. My dear Papa Darling! We just had breakfast with Lolo Dolgorukaya and I ran from there in order to write to you. Nothing much happened except that we went to Anya’s yesterday and Viktor Erastovich and Nikolai Dmitrievich were there. This was after dinner at 9 o’cl. Well that was nice. And this morning we went to Obednya and ran into Viktor Erastovich. He said that Shvedov arrived here. Before Obednya Gulyga came over to bid farewell to Mama, he is leaving today too. Well that is all the news, and the rest is the same as usual. Right now it is snowing hard and is 10 degrees below. Yesterday Maria Pavlovna the Younger had tea with us and looked very adorable because she has curly hair, they curled it for her and it looks very good on her, so we approved. Yesterday during our ride we ran into Princess Palei, alone in Pavlovsk on skis, it was so cute, she could hardly move her legs. When we rode past her, we hooted with laughter a lot and for a long time, but of course she did not see or hear us. Tell Alexei that ‘Joy’ sends kisses and misses him a lot. He came to us this morning and sat near us and was so sweet but sad. Does the door from your study to the white hall creak? Regrettably I must end. I feel sorry that this letter is so boring, but we never do or see anything interesting, but continue putting on ‘Vova Has Adapted’ and sing the same things we did when you were here. I send you and Alexei a big kiss and squeeze you in my modest embraces. Your loving loyal and faithful Kaspiyitz.”
From the book MARIA and ANASTASIA: The Youngest Romanov Grand Duchesses In Their Own Words: Letters, Diaries, Postcards.

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