From the diary of Tatiana Romanov 19 October, 1914:
“Sunday, 19 October. In the morning everyone went to obednya… At 4 o’clock we 4 with Mama, Anya went to our infirmary. Sat with the sharpshooters for a while, then on the 3rd ward, with Karangozov, Mikhalevsky and Iedigarov.”

“Iedigarov”: Veli Bey Sadiq Bey Yedigarov Oglu (1898–1971), a Muslim cadet and later an officer, the son of an Azeri nobleman in Georgia. He was a member of the Tiflis Cadet Corps and graduated in 1916, becoming a Junior Sergeant in the 1st Daghestan Cavalry Regiment. After the revolution, Yedigarov returned to Azerbaijian, but fled during the Red Army invasion of 1920, emigrating first to Turkey, and then through Romania to Poland. After World War II he moved to Buenos Aires, where he died.
Just one of the fascinating men and women whose lives touched those of the Grand Duchess Tatiana during the First World War, each with an extraordinary history of their own.
From the book Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters, 1913–1918 coming November 2015!

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