Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna’s English was not the best, but often she and her mother exchanged letters in English, probably for learning purposes. Maria often used to rewrite Empress Alexandra’s letters in her own hand. This is one of the letters that I obtained from GARF, rewritten in Grand Duchess Maria’s hand. There are many more.

Peterhof, 4th June, 1911
Darling Marie,
Loving thanks for yr dear letter; I am so glad that yr ear does not hurt & that you slept well. I had a bad headache yesterday, & now it is beginning again, & I have a lot to do. Have you got what you want to give to Anastasia, otherwise tell Tatiana to choose you something. – The weather seems to be getting better. I do hope it really will. – Take care of yourself. Hope to peep in before or after luncheon. God bless you – A big kiss fr yr old
Mama +

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