Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia – the “little pair” – were too young to get certified as Sisters of Mercy, as their elder sisters and mother did, so they became patrons of their own infirmary at Tsarskoe Selo. At the same time they also regularly visited Grand Duchesses Olga’s and Tatiana’s infirmary. Grand Duchess Maria often mentions these visits in her war time letters and diary.
“… We went to the small infirmary… There Mama and the sisters changed dressings again, and Anastasia and I went to [see] the officers… After the dressings, the sisters and Mama also played with the officers, so we only returned at dinner time…”
“Yesterday I was at the Grand Palace with Mama and the sisters, to see the wounded officers and saw that young officer who had a big bed sore on his back. He has a very sweet face. We signed his cards, and now he is waiting for you to return and maybe sign for him too.”
“We rode in the afternoon, then went to the sisters’ Palace infirmary.”
“Went to the sisters’ infirmary, put together a puzzle with Grekova, the Countess, Natarovich, Nikiforov, Karankozov and the Doctor.”
“We will now accompany the sisters to their inifirmary and ride back for our lessons.”
“These days we go to the sisters’ infirmary almost every evening. They clean the instruments and prepare materials for the next day. Anastasia plays table croquet with the wounded, while I play bloshki or put together a puzzle.”
“Went to sisters’ infirmary, played bloshki.”
“At 10 o’clock I will accompany the sisters and Mama to the infirmary. She seems to feel better, and she now goes to the infirmary earlier with the sisters.”

From the book MARIA and ANASTASIA: The Youngest Romanov Grand Duchesses In Their Own Words: Letters, Diaries, Postcards.

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