From the 1914 diary of Sister [of Mercy] Tatiana Romanov:
“Friday, 19 September. Had a lesson. Went to “Znamenie” for part of obednya. [We] were present during Korzenevsky’s surgery, [they] removed bone fragments from his left wrist. I bandaged it. Then they took all kinds of photographs of us with the officers, soldiers, and so on. Then we went to the Grand infirmary, where they also took photographs of us during dressings. Mama, Olga and I each bandaged one [patient]. Then [we] returned to our [infirmary] where we bandaged our own [patients]. I [bandaged] Olga’s Marchuk of the 22nd Nizhny Novgorod Regiment. Only went to our 3rd ward, as there was no time. Breakfast 4 with Papa, Mama and Count Vilepolsky. In the afternoon stayed at home, wrote, sat with Alexei whose leg hurt. Had lessons. Dinner 2 with Papa and Mama. Grigori [Rasputin] was here.”
From the book Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters, 1913–1918

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