“In the morning we four went to obednya at the upper regimental church with Papa… Had breakfast together with Papa and Sergei [Leuchtenberg]… We four walked around our garden with Papa… Had tea with Papa and Mama… . Then [I] went upstairs where I sat with the sisters. They worked and I read to myself. Then, had dinner with Mama, the sisters, and Anya. Papa went to Grandmama’s in Petersburg. After dinner [I] sat and read. At 10 o’cl. Olga and I went to bed.”

“In the afternoon [we] took a walk, same as yesterday. Walked to Oreanda and from there walked on the horizontal path where we ran into Yuzik… Had tea all together. Olga, Ira and I went to the Alexander III Sanatorium. We rode around Massandra , did not know the way, but finally found 6 houses in ruins not far from each other. We walked around them all and on the way back rode by the darling yacht…”
From the book Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters, 1913–1918

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