From a letter of Maria Romanov:
“… I don’t know what we will do today, probably nothing special. Anya wanted to invite us, with Irina Tolstaya, but Irina is playing the balalaika somewhere today. I am sure that Nikolai Dmitrievich will go to the upper church, because I will not be there, and I am angry in advance. I have not seen him for more than three weeks now. Tomorrow the sisters are going to Petrograd to accept charities. Today we need to go to the Grand Palace as we have not been [there] for two days already. I don’t really know what to do before breakfast. Everyone is at church, so [there is] no one to walk or ride with. Maybe Mama will let me walk alone, I will go ask her…”
From the book MARIA and ANASTASIA: The Youngest Romanov Grand Duchesses In Their Own Words: Letters, Diaries, Postcards.

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