Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, Tsar Nicholas II’s youngest sister was the closest to his four daughters. Olga Alexandrovna’s four nieces regularly recorded in their diaries and letters the time they spent with their beloved aunt, and it is clear that she was a steady and welcome part of their lives. Olga Alexandrovna was not only aunt to Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia’s but also their friend, who visited them often, and took them out on day visits to St Petersburg for teas and dinners. It was a truly special relationship.
From the diary of Olga Romanov:
“Had dinner with Papa and Aunt Olga next to Mama’s sofa…” “Aunt Olga arrived at 4 o’cl. 15 min. and we 5 went to the Christmas party with her and Papa for the officers of the guard and Svodny Regiment in the Round Hall. Aunt Olga was giving out gifts. After that she and I went to talk to the officers of the guard…” “In the afternoon walked with Papa and Aunt Olga… Had tea with Papa, Mama, Aunt Olga and Uncle Petya…” “Went to [see] Grandmama at Anichkov and then went with Aunt Olga to her [house]…” “Aunt Olga was there – such darling.” “. After 3 o’cl. Aunt Olga took us to her [house]…”

From the diary of Tatiana Romanov:
“In the morning four with Papa and Aunt Olga went to obednya at the lower regimental church…” “In the afternoon four with Papa, Aunt Olga and Irina went out for a walk…” “Aunt Olga was at the theater and Uncle Petya…” “Had breakfast four with Papa, Aunt Olga and Uncle Petya…” “In the morning Aunt Olga arrived and we four went to the regimental church with her. Then everyone had breakfast with Mama…” “In the afternoon walked, slid down the hill with Papa and the sisters and Aunt Olga…” “. Aunt Olga arrived and we all went to church. Had breakfast together. Then went walking outside. Had tea all together again…”

From the letters of Maria Romanov:
“Mama is lying on the couch and writing you a letter, while Anastasia – to Aunt Olga.” “I am so happy for you, that you will see Aunt Olga…” ” While that page was drying, I read Aunt Olga’s letter to our Olga…” “If you have any new pictures from the Crimea, of yourself and Aunt Olga, I would be so happy to get them…”

From the letters of Anastasia Romanov:
“I have not written to Aunt Olga for a long time…” “Three days ago Tatiana Andreyevna Gromova was here. She is going to [see] Aunt Olga in Kiev on Tuesday, she is very happy to be going…” “Yesterday we all wrote to Aunt Olga, as some man was going there…” “Tatiana Andreyevna Gromova wrote and described to us how you and Aleksei came to their infirmary at Aunt Olga’s. It was written in a very funny way and very detailed, even what you said, she was awfully happy to see you…” “Kiss to Aunt Olga…”

From the books:
Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters, 1913–1918

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