Today, January 12/25, is the feast day of St. Tatiana of Rome. In Russia it is celebrated as a national holiday called “Tatiana Day,” both in honor of the saint, whose name many Russian women bear, and in celebration of all students, since the church attached to Moscow State University is dedicated to St. Tatiana.

Letter from Nicholas II to Tatiana Romanov:
Stavka, January 10, 1916. Dearest Tatiana, I congratulate you on your name day and wish you good health and all the best wishes, and hope you continue to do good deeds! It is a pity that I am not spending the day at home. Here, all the same old people come and go. Tomorrow will be a second cinematograph shown for the second group of the local troops. Quite dull, though I slept with C[ount] Fred.[ericks] – instead of Alexei! Spring weather, the mud is terrible. I firmly embrace you, my dear Tatiana and kisses to everyone. Your Papa.

Letter from Tatiana Romanov to Nicholas II:
11 January. Papa, my dear darling, I was terribly touched and pleased of Your sweet letter and congratulations for which I thank you enormously, and kiss you very, very affectionately Well, goodbye. I am afraid for the letter to be too late. May God bless you, tight hug. Your Voznesenetz. I will be very sad without you tomorrow and will miss You very much.
From the book Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters, 1913–1918

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