DID YOU KNOW that Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich, the celebrated Romanov family poet known as KR, had the words of his poetry set to music written by the famous Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky?
Below are two examples:

I opened the window
Words by Konstantin Romanov
Music by Pyotr Tchaikovsky
I opened the window, could not stand the oppressiveness,
Dropped to my knees before it.
Sensed the scent of spring night on my face
The sweet smelling breath of lilac.
And somewhere in distance a nightingale sings
I listen to it with deep sadness,
And with longing remember my homeland,
I remember my distant fatherland,
Where native nightingale croons songs of home
Not feeling any earthly afflictions –
It sings all night long
Above a sweet smelling lilac branch…

Already the lights in the rooms were extinguished
Words by Konstantin Romanov
Music by Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Already the lights in the rooms were extinguished …
Sweet smell of roses…
We sat on a bench in the shade
of a luxurious birch tree.
You and I were so young!
So happy we were
surrounded by spring,
We loved so passionately!
The crescent moon directed
its radiance at us;
I said nothing,
afraid to break the silence …
Silently you lowered
the blueness of your eyes-
More eloquent than any words
is silent conversation.
I did not dare believe,
what you harbored in your heart –
The nightingale’s song
spoke it all for us.

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