Grand Duchess Tatiana in Oreanda.
From Tatiana Romanovs 1913 diary:
“15 December. Sunday. Went to obednya in the morning. […] In the afternoon [we] took a walk, same as yesterday. Walked to Oreanda and from there walked on the horizontal path […] Had dinner 2 with Papa and Mama.”
You can read this entry in full, plus many other of Tatiana’s diary entries and letters in the upcoming book Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters, 1913–1918
Preorder you copy now!

One thought on “Tatiana in Oreanda”
She is so stunning in these photos, invariably I gasp. Both Tatiana and Olga were breathtakingly poised on the threshold of life in 1914