1915 New Year’s card from Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia to their mother:
“Wishing the sweetest of mothers a happy Year New fr[om] her foolish but very loving daughters.
Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia”
From the book Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters, 1913–1918
From the 1913 diary of Olga Romanov:

1 January, 1913. Tuesday. Tsarskoe Selo. At 10 1/2 [we] went to the regimental church for obednya. Otetz Alexander Vasiliev served. After [we] returned, had breakfast with Papa and Sergei T. Mama did not get up yet, because she has a severe headache and is tired. At 2 o’cl. 15 min. we four walked with Papa. Almost no snow at all, but it is 5 deg.[rees] below [zero]. At 3 1/2 o’clock Papa went to the Grand Palace to receive the escort and diplomats, while we went to see Countess Hendrikova. Sat with her for a while, and then went to [see] Aunt Mops, and from there to Anya’s. N.P. was there. We had tea all together, it was awfully cozy. Returned at 5 o’cl.[ock], Mama was lying down on the sofa in her study. It was very dark there and I think she was sleeping. Papa returned after 5 o’cl. and we had tea together. He went to Grandmama’s in Petersburg for dinner. We four had dinner with Anya and Mama in the mauve room. She still has a headache, and heart No. 2. After dinner she was lying down on the sofa there, and we sat nearby on the floor and worked. [I] prayed with Alexei as usual at 8 o’cl. Went to bed at 10 o’cl. The year started out well – no one knows how it will end. Oh Lord, save Papa, Mama and all.
From the book Journal of a Russian Grand Duchess: Complete Annotated 1913 Diary of Olga Romanov, Eldest Daughter of the Last Tsar

Letter from Tatiana Romanov to her mother:
New Year, 1915. I wish you, dear Mama, my angel, a happy new year.
May God end this horrible war soon, and may all good come to our close ones. May God bless and keep you.
1000 kisses from your loving daughter Tatiana.
A thousand thanks for the sweet card and the book.
From the book Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters, 1913–1918
From the 1916 diary of Maria Romanov:

1 January. In the morning went to Obednya. Had breakfast 5, and Mama stayed in bed. In the afternoon went to our infirmary with A.[nastasia]. Had tea 4 with Anya near Mama’s bed. Read. Had dinner 4. After dinner Mama came out to the work room and lay down on the couch. Anya was here. Lilies of the valley from Kiki.
From the book MARIA and ANASTASIA: The Youngest Romanov Grand Duchesses In Their Own Words: Letters, Diaries, Postcards.
Letter from Alexei Romanov to his tutor:

Tobolsk, 19 December, 1917. Dear Pyotr Vasilevich. Happy upcoming holidays and New Year. I hope that You received my first letter. How is Your health? Right now we have very little snow and therefore it’s hard to build a snow mountain. Joy is getting fatter each day because he eats all sorts of rubbish from the trash. Everyone shoos him away with sticks. He has a lot of acquaintances in town and therefore he is always running off. I am writing to You during the French lesson since I have almost no free time, but when I have a break I will write You more often. Regards to the teachers. May the Lord keep You! Your fifth student. Alexei.
From the book Russia’s Last Romanovs: In Their Own Words

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