From the 1916 diary of Alexei Romanov:
27 September. In the morning rode in a motor. Studied on a schedule. In the morning S.P. cut out a carbuncle from Sig’s arm. After breakfast, rode in motors on Orsha highway. In the evening went to the cinema. An extremely interesting war film. You feel as if you are there. Went to bed as usual.

15 October. Stayed in bed before breakfast. Wrote to Mama. Had breakfast with everyone. In the afternoon played in the garden. Sig pulled his tendon itself (The Athlete Gibbs is unlucky at Stavka). Before dinner played with toy soldiers and listened to P.V.P.’s Zhylik’s reading. After dinner played and listened to the reading. For now I am on a diet. Went to bed early.

One thought on “THE DIARY OF ALEXEI ROMANOV (1916)”
I am still appalled at what the communists did to His Imperial Majesty, the Tsar, and the Imperial Family. The shame of their murders shall be on Russia’s head forever. And how sacrilegious can the Orthodox Church become to allow politics to dictate whether or not the Tsarevich and Grand Duchess should be buried with their parents!!! Although they were long dead before I came upon this Earth, my heart still goes out to this sad family.